General Surgery
Gallbladder Removal
To determine whether you would need your gallbladder removed your primary physician would need to refer you to a general surgeon.
Gallstones are common and will not go away. They will sometimes be problematic and will need to be removed. It will be up to you and your general surgeon to make that determination.
Hernia surgery is very common and does not require a referral before seeing a general surgeon. You may call our office to schedule an appointment.
Hemorrhoids can sometimes be treated with tub soaks and medications. Please make an appointment to discuss the correct treatment plan for your symptoms.
Screening colonoscopies do not require a referral. Please call our office if you would like to schedule an appointment. If you are having symptoms such as bleeding or pain, you will most likely need to have a diagnostic colonscopy with a GI physicians.
Lipomas are fatty benign tumors that most likely will need to be removed in the operating room. Please schedule an office visit to have the lipoma examined.
Breast mass/nodules
Upon diagnosis of a breast mass or nodule, schedule an appointment with Dr. Downes for examination and to determine if a biopsy is needed. Be sure to ask your doctor about getting a stereotactic biopsy as that is the standard of care.
Skin Lesions/cyst
If your insurance does not require a referral, call and book an appointment for treatment/removal.
Thyroid nodule
Upon diagnosis of a thyroid nodule, Dr. Downes will discuss a plan with you to determine if surgery is needed. Often a fine needle aspiration with genetic testing indicates that removal may not be necessary.